Saturday, August 9, 2008

L'enfer, c'est les autres.

The title is a quote by Jean-Paul Sartre. It pretty much translates to "Hell is others."

I could hang with Jean-Paul Sartre.

It's official now - I'm actually not a secretary. Yesterday was my last day at my ridiculous office. Which is no longer my office, but is doubtless still ridiculous, and is likely to continue being ridiculous for a long time to come. I was immature enough to walk out at lunch time leaving quite a sizeable slew of tickets, and I don't have the least bit of a guilty conscience (I did send the rush tickets through, but only because I didn't want to make life any harder for my friend who manages the department that they go to). If my suck-up coworker - sorry, FORMER coworker - wants to showboat, she has plenty of material to do it with now.

I'm sitting alone in my house with snoozing dogs, no radio and no tv. It's absolute bliss. Pretty soon I'll get up and organize my closet, then clean the bathrooms. No hurry, though...I have time.

I got my criminal background check sent back to me yesterday. It's required for the program I'm entering at school. Apparently, I am neither a sex offender nor a felon. Such a relief to know.

Aaron! Glad you made it to the party! :)

According to the only birth certificate I have a copy of, today is my birthday. Where's my cake?!


Anonymous said...

Okay,I'll play......"Happy (fake)birthday!" I have always wanted to leave a job like that....just walk out and leave them to deal with their mess. I don't blame you for your actions there, missy! I'm glad to hear you're not a felon or a child molestor, its a good thing you got that report so you now know!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gotta get in the shower. Have a great weekend. Love ya, JJ

Unknown said...

Here's a favourite of mine from The Nausea. I too could hang with J Pizzy. He makes me want to be not-a-secretary, or whatever it is I am these days.

"People who live in society have learned how to see themselves in mirrors as they appear to their friends. I have no friends. Is that why my flesh is so naked?"

Also happy fake birthday. My real one is tomorrow. We should go out and celebrate.

Anonymous said...

Happy late fake birthday! You really don't have a copy of your real b-certificate? We'll have to do something about that.
Love, Mom

PS Every family has their skeletons. I guess one of ours is fake b-days right Christy.