Monday, August 25, 2008

What I Learned Today

1. The Expert would be beautiful if she lost about 70 lbs.
2. I pronounce the letter "S" in a very irritating fashion
3. Token Male is so inept at his competency practice that Pooh-Bear is going to have to find another group to watch.

Yes, all of the above are courtesy of the fabulous Pooh-Bear. I think I speak for all three of us (that would be Token, Expert and myself) when I say "don't let the privacy curtain bang you on the butt on your way to find another group upon which to unleash your obnoxiousness." I have come to the conclusion that between the toddler talk and the obvious sociopathic tendencies, she is clearly some unholy hybrid of Grandma Jean and Grandma Mary, sent by Satan to vex and torment.

I am in serious need of chocolate right about now.

Apparently, not only do I have a speech impediment, I am also older than I think I am. I received an AARP membership card in the mail today. Yes, THAT AARP...the special-interest group catering mostly to seniors.

Umm...AARP powers that be? I'm not even old enough to be President yet. Give me a minute or two before you hand me that Poly-Grip, ok? I know I'm getting gray and all, but I'm pretty sure that somewhere there's a law on the books stating that you can't have your navel pierced and also carry an AARP card. If there's not, then frankly, I'd like to know what Congress is doing with their time.

I wish my scooter helmet was here. I should get it tomorrow, but it would be lovely to take Miss Piggy in all of her glorious pinkness out for a spin around the neighborhood before S comes home from school.


Anonymous said...

Are you saying that Pooh Bear told you that you say your "s" wierd? How old is this chick? Okay, she's getting on my nerves now. If he passes the class and actually works in the hospital, she will probably tick off the RN's that will be over her and they will put her in her place QUICKLY!!!! How truly annoying. Hang in there "thweet-heart!" Love ya, JJ

Amie said...

JJ, I believe her wording was, "You say your S's really irritating, did you know that?"

Yeah. As The Expert and I were leaving the classroom, I kept saying, "Seriously. What is WRONG with her?" I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that she's gone this long through life (she's got to be around your age) thinking this is acceptable behavior.

The RN's won't be the first to put her in her place. I've had about enough of her.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Jo you are really funny. It must run in our family. LOL.
Amie I need yoour email address & you need my phone # & Grandma needs her blush.
Love, Mom/Kathy